Display SVG in SwiftUI (iOS/ WatchOS)In my CountrySearch SwiftUI project, I had a requirement to show country flags and the api that i use restCountries , provides me the flag…Feb 3, 2021Feb 3, 2021
Swift UI: AccordionViewAn accordion view experiment with SwiftUI, updated to some of the latest APIs, XCode 12 and iOS 14. See the below videoJan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
Flutter- MQTTI had previously written a post about Creating an MQTT app in Flutter…Jan 16, 2021Jan 16, 2021
Swift: Simple Feature FlagsDuring these days where we thrive for Continuous integration, it is really critical that we constantly merge branches into the dev pool…Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
iOS: Smart Tabbar ProgrmmaticallyCreating a simple re-usable and configurable TabbarSep 21, 2020Sep 21, 2020
iOS: Memory leaks and NotificationsMost of the applications allow users to navigate to different parts of the app with ease, internal we developers use, navigation…Sep 6, 20201Sep 6, 20201
XCode 12 beta 5: Core data crash in multiplatform templateRecently I was playing with XCode 12 beta 5, I created a project in multiplatform template and turned on coredata support. When I ran the…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Flutter: Detect a new dayI recently had a need to show a particular screen from home page of my app .. every day only once, for that I had to determine if it was a…Aug 16, 20201Aug 16, 20201